Dfsms macro instructions for data sets manual for vsam

Example 1: OPEN macro used to open two data sets. Example 2: OPEN macro with a parameter list above 16 megabytes. POINT—Position for access. Example: position with POINT. PUT—Write a record. Example 1: keyed-sequential insertion (KSDS, variable-length RRDS) Example 2: recording RBAs when loading a KSDS. DFSMStvs (Transactional VSAM Services) enables batch jobs and CICS online transactions to update shared VSAM data sets concurrently. SC z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands SC z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services SC z/OS DFSMS DFM Guide and Reference SC z/OS DFSMS Implementing System .  · The z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual, specifically the chapter on Non-VSAM macro descriptions, has more details about the various executable macros (OPEN, GET, PUT, CLOSE), and control blocks (DCB, DCBE), that are used in the code below. readds.c.

SC This chapter contains VSAM macro formats and examples. The macros that work at assembly time allow you to specify subparameter values as absolute numeric expressions, character strings, codes, and expressions that generate valid relocatable A-type address constants. The macros that work at execution allow you also to specify these. DFSMStvs (Transactional VSAM Services) enables batch jobs and CICS online transactions to update shared VSAM data sets concurrently. SC z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands SC z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services SC z/OS DFSMS DFM Guide and Reference SC z/OS DFSMS Implementing System-Managed Storage. Example 1: OPEN macro used to open two data sets. Example 2: OPEN macro with a parameter list above 16 megabytes. POINT—Position for access. Example: position with POINT. PUT—Write a record. Example 1: keyed-sequential insertion (KSDS, variable-length RRDS) Example 2: recording RBAs when loading a KSDS.

and update a VSAM data set. For complete details, see the IBM Access Methods Services manual and the IBM DOS/VSE Macros or OS/VS Supervisor Services manuals. VSAM dataset values. DFSMS values such as management class, storage class and data class. DFSMShsm information – has the dataset been migrated? See the IBM DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for information on the VSAM return code and error code. DADSA applid hh:mm:ss 'resource' cics.


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