Cyf-5 manual
CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL OFFICE OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES 5 | P a g e 5. Program census: a. The SERVICE PROVIDER shall maintain an active census of a minimum of 8 families once the CYF monitor has approved the SERVICE PROVIDERS Homebuilders™ program for full implementation. 6. Additional Responsibilities. For use with CYF-VH/VHR, CYF-V2/V2R, CYF-5/5R, HYF-V/XP/1T PRECLEANING 1. Wipe the insertion tube 2. Detach accessories 3. Flush detergent Gently wipe the external surfaces of the insertion tube with a cloth moistened in detergent solution. Disconnect the forceps/irrigation plug. Fill a syringe with detergent solution and. The Olympus CYF-V2 SD flexible cysto-nephro videoscope features improved insertion ability and patient comfort, thanks to the innovative EvolutionTip design. This versatile cystoscope is compatible with patented Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) technology that improves visibility of vascular structures. The large mm working channel allows the use of all common endoscopic www.doorway.rug: manual.
CYF-5/5A. Multiple Features Including Electrosurgical Compatibility Superb Control Excellent Observation Capabilities; Flexible Video Cystoscope CYF-V2/VA2. CYF-5/CYF-5A/CYF-5r Standard set WAA CYF-5 Flexible cysto-nephroscope 1 WAA CYF-5A Flexible cysto-nephroscope with aspiration 1 N CYF-5R Flexible cysto-nephroscope with reverse angulation 1 N MAJ light-guide adaptor 1 AA FGSX-1 Grasping forceps 1 AA MAJ Forceps/irrigation plug (isolation type) 1. The Olympus CYF-5 flexible cysto-nephro fiberscope delivers high-quality fiber optics in a patient-friendly design. The CYF-5 is both portable and reliable and features the EvolutionTip tapered tip design, a variable stiffness shaft, optimal deflection, and a large field of view.
Olympus CYF-5 SN W leak test. views views Manual Cleaning Process for Flexible Endoscopes using Matrix. Whiteley. Whiteley. The Olympus CYF-5 Flexible Cysto-Nephro Fiberscope delivers high-quality fiber optics in a patient-friendly design. It is both portable and reliable. Locate the endoscope port and follow the instructions for attaching the CYF. CYF CYF CYF CYF CYF CYF CYF-5R. CYF-V. CYF-V2.