Hud manual 4350.3 chapter 5
HUD Occupancy Handbook 5/03 Chapter 1: Introduction REV-1 and Section programs, the development of rental housing with supportive services is subsidized with an interest-free capital advance, and repayment is not required as long as the housing remains available. –HUD handbook (Chapter 5) Determining Income Annual Income Definition (24 CFR Part 5) All amounts, monetary or not, which: 1. Go to, or on behalf of, the family head or spouse (even if temporarily absent) or to any family member . HUD Occupancy Handbook 8/13 Chapter 5: Determining Income Calculating Rent REV-1 d. If the tenant disputes the employment and income information in EIV, the owner must obtain third party verification from the source.* B. Once all sources of income are known and verified, owners must convert reported income to an annual figure.
HUD Occupancy Handbook 8/13 Chapter 6: Lease Requirements and Leasing Activities REV-1 C. *The Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of Lease Addendum (VAWA), form HUD, must be attached to the applicable model lease for all tenants receiving Section 8 assistance. (see. HUD Occupancy Handbook 6/07 Chapter 3: Eligibility for Assistance and Occupancy REV-1 NOTE: In the case of a property with multiple buildings that are subject to different income limits, the owner may use the higher income limit for the entire property. C. Timing of Income Eligibility Determinations 1. HUD Occupancy Handbook 8/13 Chapter 5: Determining Income Calculating Rent REV-1 d. If the tenant disputes the employment and income information in EIV, the owner must obtain third party verification from the source.* B. Once all sources of income are known and verified, owners must convert reported income to an annual figure.
HUD Occupancy Requirements (Handbook ) Rev 1. Change 4 · Chapter 5 of the HUD Occupancy Manual Requirements of Subsidized Multifamily Housing Programs. Chapter 9 of HUD Handbook REV-1, Change 3. Specifically the following appendices found in Figure – Added Enterprise Income Verification (EIV). HUD Handbook Rev-1 Change 4: Chapter 5 paragraphs , , discuss the framework to ensure privacy of applicant and tenant information.